Hello! I promise I did not die but I do apologize for all the dead air. I have been extremely busy these last three months, between working my second job (which I quit btw), training for the Warrior Dash, and moving, life has been crazy!
Mostly though I would like to talk about moving. Why do we put ourselves through this? I know for some its the upgrade in living quarters, for some its the location and some its just because you need something new. But man o man, I sure hope I don't have to move again for a while. I've moved 7 times in the last 6 years, I want to stay put! I just hope the new place that we moved into holds up. The only other place I'd be ok with moving into, is a new house but, since I still have over $25K in student loans and some pretty hefty credit card bills, I don't see that happening anytime soon. I'm really ok with that though because like I said, I just want to stay put for awhile.
We've pretty much settled in but there is still so many boxes of things I can seem to bring myself to get rid of. I'm far from "hoarder" status but after moving so many times it feels like I'm moving boxes and boxes of unnecessary things. Things that I forgot I even had. You would think that after you've forgotten it you would be ok with getting rid of it right? I wish! When I find things that I have forgotten about I simply reminisce with them and become only more attached. I'm telling myself that I need to go through the mounds of boxes that I have stacked in my closet but, I'm afraid to get re-attached to items that I'm sure I could get rid of. So maybe if I wait long enough then I will forget the importance of the things completely. Then I can get rid of the things that I didn't really need to hold on to in the first place.
But I suppose that's all for now. I promise I won't wait so long to post another post next time but, thank you for coming back. I'm looking for a new song to post as well so stay tuned